Memcache is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. Its primary goal? To speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

  1. Go Library: Dive into the technicalities and explore the Go library we've integrated for Memcache gomemcache

  2. Memcache Server: Interested in the core server that powers this magic? Check it out here.

🛠️ Configuration Flags:

  • ENABLE_CACHE: Toggle caching on or off. By default, it's set to true. If you set it to false, the subsequent flags won't come into play.

  • CACHE_TYPE: Specifies the caching mechanism. For Memcache, set it to MEMCACHE.

  • MEMCACHE_ADDRESS: Determines where the Memcache server resides. By default, it's memcached:11211.

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